The Most Critical Things That Lead To Our Success

The Most Critical Things That Lead To Our Success
There are 10 weeks left to run through the finish line so think about these things and how you handle or react to these situations.

1. Regarding Prospecting, since I’ve never seen them before, will never see them again, and in most cases don’t want to see them again, don’t Take What They Say Personally. Do you think this way?

2. Be Enthusiastic and Energetic when you are in any type of Presentation because logic makes them think and Emotion makes them act. Are you full of energy?

3. Regarding Selling, make the time you spend Presenting be about them and not about you. This Can Only Be Done By Asking Questions vs. Talking! Are you listening or are you talking?

4. Accountability. Break down your goals into Bite-Sized Pieces, and hold Yourself accountable to each piece… Because the Big Picture Can Become Scary!

5. One of the Best Parts of the Mike Ferry System is that we don’t have to spend our money on buying business. It can be spent on Creating Better Services For Your Clients.

6. We have to Learn Our Scripts so they Become Who We Are! You can’t concentrate on the Person You’re Talking to When You’re Thinking About What You Have to Say Next.

7. Pre-Qualify 100% of the people using 100% of the Pre-Qualifying Questions. It Gives You Personal Power. Eliminate the Ego.

8. You Have to Understand the Incredible Power you have to give Great customer service to Your clients.

9. Closing. Too many stop closing after the First or Second Opportunity when we know that the Best Sales Happen After the Sixth or Seventh Close. Don’t Stop Closing!

10. We have to Focus On Our Expectations. Focus On All the Great Things That Can Happen In Your Life.

11. Regarding the Schedule, don’t wait for it to be Perfect, It Never Will Be. Passion, Desire, and Work Ethic is More Important than a Perfect Schedule.

12. Since We Become What We Think About Most of the Time, Let’s Answer the Following Questions:

A) Where will I be one year from now in this business?
B) Am I keeping the right thoughts in my head that will help me to get there?
C) Am I Acting Like the Person I Want to Become?

13. Stop Questioning Everything and Use Blind Faith. Quit Over analyzing what you’re being taught, because the System Works.

14. Our Results in Life and Business Depend Upon 3 Things:

1. Attitude
2. Approach
3. Expectations

15. Every Agents Life Becomes Better when 3 things are in order:

1. Controlling Their Weight
2. Controlling Their Finances
3. Keeping Their Environment Clean

These 3 Create Stability.

16. We work so hard to get customers to deal with us. We have to work as hard to keep them with us.

17. Ask yourself several times a day, “If Mike Were Standing Next to Me At This Moment, Would I Be Doing This?” (Your ego gets in the way on this one).

18. As Independent Contractors we’re allowed to get away with anything we want…STOP IT! Get away from that thinking process.

19. Have Intensity and Energy because in most cases the only thing that differentiates you from the competition is your energy and intensity.

Think about this….

Most agents have access to the MLS.
Most agents put up a for sale sign.
Most agents do some kind of advertising.
Most agents install some kind of a lock box.
Most agents have a strong local company image.

What is the difference between them and you?
What is the client buying?

They are buying your energy and intensity!

Have Some!

20. ….Today Matters! What you do or do not do today will have a huge effect on your tomorrows… so go out there and create the tomorrow you’ve always wanted.