Take Action Or Accept The Results of Your Inaction

In all areas of life, taking action is the key to success.

Most people, who fail to achieve what they want, fail for lack of action. The ability to take action is the skill that ultimately separates the winners from the losers in the game of life.

There are a number of truths that I have come across in coaching and training,

  • Persistence
  • Stay the course
  • Discipline
  • Focus
  • Consistency

Also, the ability to understand that Today Matters!

The power of consistency is one of the most important forces in the world.

If you are consistently doing enough things right, you will reap a huge reward.

Take better care of your existing and past clients or they will almost always become someone else’s future clients.

The first step to overcoming call reluctance is to admit that you have it and recognize that it is keeping you from earning what you are worth.

Start each prospecting session with an exact goal or purpose.It’s the clarification of the purpose that will drive you.

Someone said prospecting is like going to the gym and working out; it’s not always fun while you’re there. But you feel better later.

Everyday as you go to work you have two options

A. Do something productive

B. Do something non productive

Your choice…… which one will it be today?

Practice is just as valuable as a sale. The sale with make you a living, the skill will make you a fortune.

Practice to develop your skills.

Question to write down and ask yourself… What will it take to get me to practice regularly?

Practice…. NOT talent and ability with get you to the next level of production.

Frustration is a call to take action. If you feel frustrated it means that you believe things could be better. That’s a good thing!

The daily consistency of prospecting and lead follow-up is the gateway to sales success and high profitability.

How will you spend your days?

What changes will you make?

What actions will you take to move your career forward?

I am the most important asset I have, not my money, not my family.

It starts and ends with me!

YOU are what people are buying.

What will it be?

Action or inaction? Think about this…

What will you do?

When will you do it?

What will you do in the next 24 hours?

Get on with it. Take action and make this your best week ever!