Running Through the Finish Line – October 30th, 2013

Running Through the Finish Line
Neil Schwartz, Anaheim, CA
October 30, 2013

Is there business?
What is possible?
What is my goal for the next 39 days?
How many sales? Listings?
What activities do I need to do to take advantage of the opportunity?

I can do anything for 39 work days
62 calendar days, 39 work days
That gives us 23 days off, all Sat. and Sun. and Thanksgiving and the Friday after, and Christmas and Christmas Eve, and New Year’s day and New Year’s Eve. 9 weeks.

Questions to think about as we start:
How much more money would I like to earn before year end?
How much cash flow do I want in Jan. and Feb.?
How many pendings and listings do I have to create to makes sure that takes place?
How much energy are you willing to expend to make this happen?

Is there a market? (What is possible?)
Why this is the best time all year for real estate agents to be working
Review the numbers: show on page why now is a great time to work:
Inventory is lower. Demand is somewhat lower.
Number of agents are much lower so its great in terms of why now is a great time to be working.

Paul J. Meyer once said: “Ninety percent of those who fail are not actually defeated. They simply quit.”

Today matters!

In the next 39 days. You must set yourself apart. Let’s review how you will reach your goals:
1. Work a great 8 every work day;
2. Go see every expired in the markets you work. Preview every new listing in the market you work;
3. Door knock 10 doors around every expired and every property you go see;
4. Make sure your Past Client/Center of Influence (COI) system is set up and working. Call them all;
5. Learn how to handle the objections you hear coming up the most;
6. Run through the finish line, don’t stop until you complete a 5-5-10 daily.

Now let’s work on mindset – 1st:

Today matters
What you do today will make all the difference in the world for how your tomorrow looks. You can do nothing today and have nothing tomorrow, or you can take action today and create a better tomorrow.

“Don’t let the fear of the time it will take to accomplish something stand in the way of your doing it. The time will pass anyway, we might just as well put that passing time to the best possible use.” Earl Nightingale

Activities needed to accomplish the plan
1. Work daily on your time management.
Think of time management as time choices. Calendar; know what you are going to do BEFORE your drunk monkey talks you out of doing what you should do. Use your calendar as a disciplinarian – a checklist of things to get done. Decide TODAY which days you are with family, and which days you are going to work, and the days you are supposed to work, actually work!

2. This is a WE program. That’s why we do the blitz. Agents say they can prospect as well on their own, they just do not. The results prove in our coaching calls every day. Commit to at least 1 phone blitz and to 1 door knock blitz weekly. (See forms).

What choice of activities will I do during this period of time…
Write this down
Preview 5 per day x 39 days = 195
Expired at the door 5 per day x 39 days = 195
4 hours per week day 4 hours x 39 hrs 156 hr
8 contacts per hour x 156 hours = 1,248
195 Previews +195 Expireds at the door = 390 properties visited x 10 doors knocked around each expired = 3,900 x 30% answer the door = 1,170 contacts at the door.
To help you get this done, go to at least 1 organized phone blitz per week and 1 door blitz every week.

3. Make sure your PC/COI database is ready to go, this is the time to contact everyone you know.
“No appointments, No Sales”
Spend 90% of your time looking for sellers
10% of your time or less looking for buyers

2. Look for sellers everyday, not occasionally….. forever. That is your job, “period.”

3. Pre-qualify every buyer and seller. Not just financially but emotionally. A financially qualified client who is not ready to pull the trigger is not as good as a client who has to buy or sell now and will do everything needed to do to get the job done.

4. Work on making strong listing presentations. Practice, practice, practice. Somewhere, someplace, someone is practicing, and when you meet them they will beat you.

5. Having the ability to start over every day. Fresh. Start over at zero. Fight complacency. When you think you have some money in the bank, or some listings that have not sold or some pendings that have not closed that creates some type of comfort zone. Work on waking up every morning pretending that you have no leads, no listings and no escrows and see if that doesn’t throw you out of bed.

Questions to be answered by you, to ensure you will run through the finish line:
1. What is my level of commitment, and for how long am I willing to make it?
2. Am I willing to change my mindset, my skills, and habits TODAY?
3. How much more disciplined must I become?
4. Am I willing to fight complacency?
5. How intense am I going to be with the coaching that I am willing to receive?
6. Am I willing to give up groveling and complaining?
7. Am I willing to “stay the course” and not quit the program if it doesn’t work by next week?

Choose a life of growth. The only way to improve the quality of your life is to improve. When you start to improve yourself, everything else around you suddenly gets better. You cannot buy success with laziness. Take action: You’ll feel better, your business will be better and your bank account will grow!

· People who are successful are successful because despite their past failures, they kept trying until they found something that worked really well.

· People do not succeed without effort, determination, and patience.

· Your greatest possession is the twenty-four hours you have in front of you.

· How you spend the time will have a great impact on your life. Will you allow pointless e-mails, unimportant tasks, interruptions to your prospecting or interruptions to your learning the scripts and dialogs or perhaps your negative mindset regarding previewing property to consume your day?


Will you finally take complete responsibility for how you spend your time and therefore control your destiny?

How you spend the next twenty-four hours will speak volumes about how your future will evolve:

· Will you get up early and work out to help you have energy for the day?
· Will you have the discipline to role play, and at what level?
· Will you start prospecting on time?
· Will you call the people you are supposed to call and call with intensity looking to set an appointment today?
· Will you take time to study your scripts and dialogues today?
· Will you take time to preview property today?
· Will you spend time listening to audio and reading books to help your mindset?

Or ….

Will you get up late?
Not show up for role play?
Be late to start prospecting?
Not call for the prescribed time?
Take lunch early?
Spend more time wandering around the office?
Tell Neil you’re going to preview property but really go to Starbuck’s and read the newspaper?
What will you do? Its your 24 hours. How will you spend them?

We all start at different places in life and we all are given different genetic gifts, however, these things have little to do with where we end up. It is common for people who didn’t start with the same opportunities or genetic gifts as others to surpass those who had a distinct advantage to begin with. The world is full of opportunities, your limits are only your opinion and we all know we can change our opinion anytime we want.

Just one more
Just one more listing this week:
· 1 more sale this week
· 1 more block to door knock
· 1 more door to knock
· 1 more street to go down
· 1 more contact today
· 1 more phone call before I stop
· 1 more past client to talk to this hour.

Today, just one more……. 1 more can be worth thousands in your pocket.