Identify Your Major Challenges

There are three major challenges to building your business

  1. Getting your ego out of the way!
  2. The inability to change your behavior.
  3. The lack of commitment (if the going gets tough and it sometimes it will you….do you quit?)

“You either have excuses or results…the two never come together.”

I have to realize and accept a few things:

The people I hang out with are a direct reflection of me.

If I want to see who I am, I have to look at the people I spend my time with.

“We need a high level of business maturity before we can do a high level of business.”

What does that mean?

Get your ______in gear!

Our market does not depend on market conditions, it depends on us…and our ability to take action!

This is a simple idea so write this down:

Regardless of your skill level, if you simply prospect more than you presently do, you’ll do more deals.

Agents that do not hit their money goals also do not hit their contact goals.

Agents that do not keep their numbers analyzer up on a weekly basis for the entire year usually do not meet their goals.

We have to remove the following thought from out mind…

I can take a non-motivated prospect and through long term follow up make them motivated…this is stupid.

People usually don’t regret the things they have done…. they regret the things they have not done.

Remember that where you came from does not dictate where you are going.

Most importantly:

Stop fighting the program.

There is no such thing as a bad market… just overpriced listings, unskilled or lazy agents.

When you have passion and enthusiasm and a goal you are happier.

You must be relentless

You must understand that your mind is not always your friend

Remember to act like your goal.

You can’t be the same person if you want a higher goal and therefore more success.


If you do 20 deals now and you want to do 50 deals, you have to start doing what people doing 50 deals do.

Act how they act

Dress like they dress

Think how they think

What are the activities they do daily?

Are they over weight?

Do they know their scripts?

Do they prospect regularly?

Work on forgetting your past failures…we all fail.

Develop 100% belief in yourself:

A. By developing a positive support group around you.

B. By learning what to say and how to say it.

C. By doing what you say your going to do.

D. By setting smaller and easier to achieve goals to build your confidence.

E. By looking for little successes everyday.

Always be talking to people who are more successful than you. Successful people love to talk about themselves so ask them how they did it or how they do it.

It is clear to me that our mindset controls our destiny. Remember that you are the most important asset you have, not your money, not your family.

It starts and ends with you.

You are what people are buying!

If you do what others won’t do for 10 years, you can do what others can’t for the rest of your life.

Now let’s go out and run through the finish and make this the best activity week you have ever had!