168 Hours In a Week – What are You Doing With Them?

Write down week 13

13 weeks have passed since January 1st!

During those 1st few weeks we outlined what we wanted to accomplish in 2015

Are you where you planned to be?
Are you happy with your effort?
Are you happy with your production?

I am always studying what makes great people great.

What makes top producers top producers?

What makes winners, winners?

One of the things I have learned is…

If someone has achieved more than you, it is not usually because they are better than you or smarter than you. It is because they have found the strategy for success and they use it consistently.

  • Maybe someone told them the strategy
  • Maybe they read it somewhere
  • Maybe they just knew

But know this! They have some of it figured out and they are implementing the system. The system is not a secret. It does not take a college degree to follow it.

What they have learned, you can learn ….what they use to succeed with, you can succeed with, as long as you learn and implement the strategy.

Let’s write down what some of the commonalities are. The commonalities of these successful people are the following:

1. They are better trained…They understand the importance of spending time learning.

2. They focus on their goals…They know they need a crystal clear direction and purpose for their life.

  • What do they want from this year?
  • When do they want it by?
  • Why do they want it?

3. They have a high desire to achieve… They are driven to succeed and they will not be denied.

4. They have discipline… They get up early and they do their job. They also do what they say they will do.

5. They do the things that have to be done even if they don’t want to.

6. They have the courage to do what they don’t like to do.

7. They have strong commitments to learning how to handle objections.

8. They have a willingness to get out of their comfort zones… They get comfortable with being uncomfortable.

9. They replace old habits with new productive ones… Yes previewing is boring yet they do it anyway.

10. They have a detailed plan and follow it.

11. They practice constantly.

12. They maximize the use of their time.

  • When they are at work they work
  • When they are at home they are at home

13. They have a productive attitude not just a positive one.

14. They set time dead lines and don’t quit on them… They work on Controlling their emotions (not a lot of drama in a top producers life. Just diet, exercise, prospecting.

15. They are honest with themselves… They have the ability to laugh at themselves and they keep things simple.

16. They are always looking for a way to expand their thinking.

This week matters

We all have 168 hours in the week

Some people achieve an enormous amount with in those hours while some do little more than eat and sleep.

What will you do this week?

How will you spend them?

What changes will you make?

What actions will you take to move your life forward?

Don’t worry about what you have not done… Let’s take advantage of the week ahead of us.

How many 5- 5- 10 days will you complete?

Will you participate in the phone blitz this week and will you stay for the entire time?

Will you participate in the door blitz this week?

What script will you commit to learning this week?

Your choice

Now let’s go out and make this your most productive week ever!