I Am Still Working On Your Mindset

I Am Still Working On Your Mindset

Sales Meeting March 18, 2013

Quote: “Winning doesn’t always mean being first. Winning means you’re doing better than you’ve ever done before.” Bonnie Blair, Olympic skater.


Legal eagle: In this market of multiple offers, it is critical to know and understand when you must present offers/counter-offers. The failure to present an offer/counter-offer can lead to an ethics violation with the Board, and if it causes actual damages can cause the agent to lose his/her license and/or be sued for the damages.

Present all offers/counter-offers objectively and quickly. Click here for details


Why do you invent your own program and not follow mine? For example,

Contact 30% home, 100 doors, 30 home

A couple of agents saw 11 expireds 2.5 expireds in 2.5 hours 65% 7 contacts of expireds;

Typical hour 25 doors, 2.5 hours would be 63 doors would be 19 contacts, could have had 41 contacts.

Focusing on short sales is NUTS!


Potential VS. Limitations

Train yourself to focus on your potential instead of your limitations. We tend to look at our limitations first.

Stop that right now. Focus on your potential first. Focus on what is possible. Focus on What can be done. When you are absolutely clear about what you want, you only need to copy others who have achieved it before and you will eventually get the same results they have.

Great thought: If it has been done before you can do it.

Focusing on your limitations lets those limitations make your decisions for you. Focusing on your strengths lets YOU make the decision. Your limits are only your opinion. We can change our opinion.

All of us have untapped potential. Beliefs are formed from our experience of the world around us. They are often developed early on in life. Limiting beliefs are what stops us from moving forward and making progress by clouding our view of the world. Whatever you believe, will cause you to behave in a way that reinforces that belief.

Such beliefs may be –

  • “I’m not good with figures”

  • I can’t approach FSBO’s

  • The agents working on expireds are better than I am

  • I never get an expired to list with me

  • I can’t get up early

  • The buyers always lie to me

  • I can’t hold on to money

  • I am a girl and can’t do well

  • I am too young and people will never trust me

 Any statement where you use the words ‘always’, ‘never’ or can’t is likely to show-up a limiting belief and it can apply both to yourself and to your belief about other people.

Write down one of your limiting beliefs

1. What limiting or negative belief are you holding about the world around you? What statements are true for you? “I can’t ….”

“People always …..”

2. How do you know that it’s true? What evidence do you have that supports this belief?

You probably have lots because you will consciously or subconsciously only see the evidence that supports it. Think about the way your mind focuses when you buy a new car – suddenly you see lots of that same car on the road. Nothing has changed your mind, it is just more tuned to seeing that one particular type of car over all the others.

Here is a better question on this subject to ask yourself:

  • What evidence is there that does not support this belief?
  • What are other people’s beliefs and experiences?
  • Are they the same as yours?
  • How does it feel to have this belief?
  • What do you feel and what reaction does it create for you both physically and mentally?
  • What is it costing you to keep this belief?
  •  What would you do differently if you didn’t hold this belief?
  • How would your life be if you didn’t have this belief?

Turn the belief around and think or write down the opposite, such as “I’m good at figures”, I can do …”.

How true or real is the belief now?

“I am the best with expired listing’s they all list with me.”

Take a more positive look at the world around you and see what you can do to change your old beliefs. Spend your time doing what matters and stop worrying about the things that don’t.

What Type of person are you?

The Victim: The victim blames his past for his lack of progress, finding excuses for failing rather than using his opportunities to grow.

The Foot-dragger: The foot-dragger hates change and is unwilling to do anything to change the present.

The Dreamer: This agent never puts his/her plans into action and does not want to take any risks.

The Motivated: This agent planned yesterday so that he or she could make the most of today.

Choose a life of growth.

The only way to improve the quality of your life is to improve yourself. The only thing you can improve is yourself. When you start to improve yourself, everything else around you suddenly gets better. You cannot buy success with laziness. Knowledge is only useful when it leads to action.You need to apply what you learn. Take action … you’ll feel better, your business will be better and your bank account will grow!

Make a choice to change your life today. Your choice. No matter what your choose, the next 24 hours will speak volumes as to the success you will have this year.

Your choice.

Now go out and have an awesome week.