Has there ever been a time in your career when you felt like you were in a rut? Maybe life felt like it was moving forward, but you weren’t. Can you relate to that? The level of success you will have is in direct proportion with your constant improvement, moving forward even when you feel like standing still. This not only is the case in business, but also in your relationships with family members and friends, financial planning, education, spirituality and your quest to be and stay healthy. The sooner you realize this, the easier it will be for you to do something about it. Not being able to improve or move forward can put you in the difficult position of feeling insecure.

Always Working on Improving Yourself
The only “real” security you can have comes from knowing that every single day you are improving yourself in some way. Whether it’s learning scripts, previewing property to become an expert in the market, or working on your mindset, self-improvement is critical to your success. One of the reasons why constant and never-ending improvement is so vital is because it allows you to discover problems in the making and handle them before they become crises.

A Simple Way to Ensure Your Success
You’ve probably heard this a million times, but this time, do the right thing and follow it.
• Create a checklist of things you need to do daily.
• Ask yourself certain questions at the end of each day

1. What have I learned today?
2. What did I improve on today?
3. Did I let something “slide” that I should have taken care of today?
4. Did I work to my potential today?
5. Did I accomplish what I set out to do today?

What you’re looking for here is consistency. Creating a checklist of questions and “quizzing” yourself daily will help you be the best “you”, you can be. Doing so will allow you to improve in several different areas including one of the most important, discipline.

Are you ready to “quiz” yourself daily? Don’t you think that doing so would help you move forward, towards your goals? What is stopping you from doing what it takes to be successful?